Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th, 2010.

Today I felt positive. Like nothing wrong could go wrong, but something did. Just one thing and I almost let this one thing get the best of me and kick Michael to the curb. I'm glad I didn't though. So this is what happened: 1st period and throughout the whole day was awesome. I was in a really good mood. I saw Michael almost every passing period, and PAYTON DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO ME TODAY! It was awesome. Then even after school was perfect. Michael, Dan, Cody and I we're hanging in my backyard and we we're all just hanging out and having fun. Then Cody and Dan had to pick on Michael. Which I knew was bothering him... The only reason I didn't say anything was that I think me sticking up for him annoys him now. I don't want to annoy him, so I didn't say anything. Then, my nephew came outside... He hit Michael with a tennis racket... And what pissed me off and ruined somewhat of my day was that Michael picked up Jr and pushed him. To me; you don't lay a hand on children or girls. Michael took off because I was so pissed I just couldn't look at him. He promised me something, that he wouldn't cut his wrists. Well, he broke that promise. That made it even worse. Now it's like I can't really trust him... THIS WAS A PINKY PROMISE. AND HE BROKE IT! But... I gave him a last chance. He lays a hand on me or my nephews, or cuts that guy is gone. He knows that. But after we solved that problem... We went to this place called "Hidden Park" and rolled in the grass, talked, and just laughed. I loved being with him. But I got into a fight with Cody. Man, that just pissed me off more but now I could careless. My life has nothing to do with his, he needs to get over himself. Anyhoo, I'm tired. I'm gonna get some sleep. That was my day, and overall; it was amazing.

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