Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th, 2010.

I found today, horribly alright.
I mean, yes I told my boyfriend something that probably crushed him bad.
His friend Dan probably hates me too. /: I hate myself for that too. I've cried ever since he left, which was about two hours ago.
It's almost midnight and I need to go to sleep.
How can someone sleep when you know you hurt someone? I can't. /:
All I can do it is cry.
That's the horrible part of my day, the alright part is that school wasn't so bad.
Home wasn't so bad, and telling him that didn't turn out too bad.
As in "too bad" I thought he'd probably want nothing to do with me.
And, just leave me. But he didn't. He loves me.
I know he wouldn't hurt me. I can't believe I hurt him!
I can't believe I had to be so stupid and go and do that.
Now what I have left on my shoulders is hope... Hope that he doesn't think I'd cheat.
Hope that he doesn't cheat.
Hope that nothing tears this wonderful relationship up.
Because, honestly, I need him in my life. He's the one who cares, who has my heart.
Wow. He's just breathtaking.
Shoot me for hurting the one I love, please.

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